Monday, March 26, 2007

ATL Falcons Quarterback Michael Vick in the News

So in the world of sports recently, Atlanta Falcons Quarterback Michael Vick was the hightlight. Apparently a water bottle was seized from the pro football player at a Miami airport. Initial reports said that the water bottle smelled of marijuana and was sent to be tested. Of course, ESPN, talk radio and pretty much any NFL related outlet picked up the story and the allegations were aired nationwide. Well, after testing it was confirmed that the water bottle did not have any traces of marijuana and that the NFL star was using it to hide expensive jewelry that he was transporting. So why is it that once his name was cleared, the only outlets to pick it up were the Falcons website and a tiny blurb on ESPN's website?? Defamation of character is a serious thing and even though these athletes are "celebreties", don't we as PR people owe it to these atheletes to make sure the correct information is just as easily accessable as the original accusations are?? Just a thought...