Monday, April 30, 2007

The NFL Draft

So Saturday was pretty much my favorite day of the year, NFL Draft Day. My love of sports started at 10 years old with the announcement of Jacksonville becoming home to an NFL expansion team, the Jaguars. Since then, I have followed this team and the league religiously. I will probably have more posts on the draft to come, so I will treat this one as an introduction. Basically, I was not at all happy with the Jaguars second round draft pick. This is a team that is known for having an amazing defensive line. So why in the world they decide to draft yet another defense player is stupid in my opinion. With the QB, Leftwich, having ankle surgery at the end of the season last year and Garrard having to step in during the post-season, we need to build up our offensive on the off chance that Leftwich gets hurt again. He is an awesome QB. Without him, Garrard is going to need all the help on the field that he can get. I think we should have used our second round pick to get a better offensive player coming out of college.

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